Tuesday, July 21, 2009

10 Houses, 4 Trees & Fronds Painting by Karla G

I finished this painting today and it is up for auction on Ebay for the next 10 days. It is acrylic and oil on acid-free stretched canvas, 24x18. Very whimsical and unique! Lots of fabulous detail and great colors!! Hope you like!! Find my art at http://www.karlagerard.com/


Gail Burton said...

It's very lovely Karla - why don't you put a link to your ebay listings so it's easier for people to find you?

Gail x

karla gerard said...

There are links at the bottom of this page to my Ebay auctions.
Karla G

karla gerard said...

Thank you Gail for your comment. I have added a new link under the painting that goes directly to my Ebay auctions.
Karla G

Manola C. said...

Ciao Karla! I just love your art!! I like your colors so full and vibrant and I love the trees! They are absolutely stunning and delicious! See you soon!